Join Today’s Car Buyer today. Continue to elevate your social media presence while building your dealership’s online awareness too.
Forward your information to new prospects, help create a more personal experience. increased appointments – higher closing percentage – increased engagement – $
Ask to share and refer your services on social media. Convenient share button links directly to your personal page. Without having to “FRIEND or CONNECT” with your customer. Get in front of their family, friends and co-workers. Just ask your favorite customers to hit a Share button!
- Drive customers to your dealerships website
- Showcase your preferred review sites
- Easy to change and update instantly and as often as you like
- Increased salesperson engagement
- Offer better customer service
- Easy share buttons for referrals and networking
- Available Geofence target advertising
This will be a year of opportunity and growth for those that seek opportunities out and think outside the showroom.
Start sharing your contact information today.
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